a website for those who got back into model rocketry as adults

my rockets

I got started in rocketry when I was about eight years old, and my collection quickly grew. Ironically my first rocket, the Alpha III, didn't appear in this photo. Perhaps I had already lost it. The little silver and black rocket was the first of my own design. I have since built a replica of it, which will appear on this site soon, along with other rockets in my resurrected rocket collection.


As I progressed through high school, I designed and built increasingly innovative rockets, encouraged by the Estes Design of the Month Contest, which paid for most of my supplies. Perhaps the highest evolution of my rocket designs was the Tao, featured in an issue of Model Rocket News. This unique rocket combined a parachuting booster with a spin-stabilized, finless, rear-ejecting upper stage. See some of my other projects below.