What is an "ornithopter"?
An ornithopter is a device that flies by flapping wings.
The word "ornithopter" means "bird wing". An ornithopter doesn't need to have
feathers, though. What makes it birdlike is the flapping motion. Airplanes and
helicopters use rotating propellers or wings, but in the ornithopter they move
back and forth.

Some ornithopters operate by radio control.
The idea of the ornithopter goes back to ancient times. But the first flight
of a manned ornithopter took place in 1942. The machine, developed by Adalbert
Schmid, was the most successful manned ornithopter that has been built so far.
Why flapping wings? Many people like to build and fly ornithopters, just because
ornithopters are amazing to see. Ornithopters can carry cameras and other payloads.
Ornithopters save lives by chasing birds away from airport runways. Building
ornithopters is an excellent educational opportunity for students, as well as
great enjoyment for hobbyists.
Perhaps the main reason for building ornithopters is the satisfaction we can
gain by overcoming a difficult challenge, solving it in our own unique way that
has never been done before.
You can build your own ornithopters. It's best to start with a simple, proven
design like the Ornithopter Society's Freebird Plans.
Then you can work your way up to more advanced ornithopters with powerful motors
and radio control.
Visit BirdKit.com for advanced
ornithopter kits.
Ornithopter Major Types
Free Flight Ornithopters: These ornithopters are the simplest and least expensive to build. They are powered by winding up a rubber band. These ornithopters are great for a school competition to see who can get the longest flight time. Building and flying these ornithopters is a great way for kids to learn about science and work as a team.
Radio Controlled Ornithopters: Many ornithopters are powered by electric motor and battery. These ornithopters range from 10 cm wingspan "micro air vehicles" to the size of an eagle. These ornithopters are radio controlled, and usually the tail is used for steering. They can be purchased as a ready made toy, or built by the hobbyist.
Manned Ornithopters: A few manned ornithopters have made successful
flights. Adalbert Schmid's manned ornithopters flown during World War II were
the most successful to date. Often this is thought of as an "old" idea, but
in fact it requires advanced technology to make a manned ornithopter fly. Manned
ornithopters could offer a maneuverable, quiet, and efficient means of transportation,
with some advantages over the helicopter.
The Ornithopter Society, started by Patrick Deshaye in 1984, launched the modern resurgence of flapping wing aircraft. Ornithopter Society publications, including the Ornithopter Design Manual, Flapping Wings newsletter, and online content, provide the ultimate resource for those seeking to build ornithopters or those interested in the history and culture of this unique phenomenon.